Excellence in Engineering,
a Culture of Passion


Our Story

  • Space Inch found success as mobile game developers producing 40M installs of hit games like Infinite Skater, Disco Bees, Say the Same Thing and Make It Rain. 

  • Over 8 years, we hired developers around the world. We worked hard to understand the mindset of a great engineer, to define development practices that ensure excellence, and to create an environment where engineers thrive. 

  • We focus on the psychology of our engineers, a strong company culture, and high quality operating principles. 

How we work

Ensuring High Quality Engineering

The People We Hire

Space Inch employs engineers:

  • Who are passionate about learning and innovation,

  • Who are full stack,

  • Who have excellent communication skills,

  • Who are self-managing

Defining the Quality Mindset

  • We are not just looking for highly intelligent and accomplished engineers. We look for motivation and passion.

  • Our engineers are responsible, loyal, patient, constructive and open to dialogue.

  • They are passionate about technology and about learning.

  • They value working as part of a team.

  • They are clear communicators.

  • They are invested in the work.

Our Operating Principles

We ensure quality in the ways we work together.

  • Code Review is Mandatory - disperses knowledge and increases accountability

  • Continuous Integration

  • Automated Testing

  • Standardized Code Formats - less time arguing code styles

  • Code Generators for boilerplate and unit tests

  • Automated Deployments

  • Shorter Sprints - better focus

Our Industries

Space Inch has extensive experience across several industries. 

Our engineers go the extra mile to understand industries, consumer experiences, and business goals. We are experts in our technologies and we strive for more shared knowledge of industry practices and business objectives than the vast majority of development shops. 





Blockchain /
Smart Contracts



General Corporate


Our Services

Enterprise software

Web Development

Cloud Applications

mobile apps

smart contract development

project management

desktop applications



Blockchain development

React Native Development

AWS Cloud Applications

Application Architecture


Our Core Technologies


  • Node.js
  • Go
  • Python
  • Solidity

Front End TEchnologies/web

  • React
  • Material UI
  • Redux
  • Saga
  • Bootstrap
  • Cypress

Back End TEchnologies

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Python
  • Asyncio
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Peewee
  • Flask
  • Pyramid/Pylons
  • Celery
  • Boto
  • Pandas
  • TensorFlow


  • Data analysis
  • Data modeling
  • Data management
  • Predictive analytics
  • Uncertainty Quantification
  • Supervised / Unsupervised learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Deep learning / Machine learning
  • Optimization
  • Image processing
  • Natural language processing
  • Recommendation systems


  • Ethereum
  • zCash
  • 0x protocol
  • Parity
  • Web3JS
  • Truffle
  • Solidity


  • React Native
  • Redux
  • Mobix
  • GraphQL

Desktop apps

  • Electron
  • React
  • Material UI
  • Redux Saga


  • Severless framework
  • Docker (Docker compose)
  • AWS (ECS, CloudFormation, CloudWatch, EC2, S3, Cognito)
  • ELK stack
  • GitLab
  • Jenkins
  • RabbitMQ
  • Kubernetes


The Ocean

End-to-End Development of a High-Performance Trading Platform

Challenge: The Ocean provides fast and secure Ethereum token trading on a high-performance, decentralized platform. Because the platform is designed for financial institutions specializing in quant trading, the operations need to take no more than 100ms and platform performance cannot deteriorate under peak load.

Our Work: Over 8 months we wrote the app in Node js. The frontend stack includes React, Redux, and Material UI; backend based on the model of services run on the ECS cluster (Amazon Web Services). 

We upgraded to PostgreSQL from Redis. We also converted to version 2 of protocol 0x and introduced DSProxy as the "actor" performing transactions. 

We transformed the transaction settlement model by introducing a mechanism called the Atomic Price Adjustment. This mechanism allows us to match the orders located at different price points fairly. 

Tech Used: 0x protocol, PostgreSQL, React, AWS, Redux, Material UI, Node.js, Blockchain

Health startups

Bringing Contemporary Frontend Technologies to a Legacy System 

Challenge: Connect Your Care is a leading provider of HSAs. CYC was attempting to rebuild the front end experience for several different applications, each with different users. CYC’s applications had to be graphically consistent and, at the same time, offer different functionalities and consume different backend API services. 

Our Work: Our team organized the code into the Lerna Monorepo. Each frontend application is a different package. All frontend applications import a package we call a “component-library” which includes all the presentation components and many of the presentation component compositions. The frontend-application package in turn includes the logic of integration with the API backend (a redux store and redux sagas). 

We also used Storybook which allowed us to develop frontend components and pages independently from the work on the application’s backend, developing an integration layer using Redux and Redux-Saga. 

Tech Used: React / Material UI / Redux / Redux Saga / Jest / Storybook / Lerna 

The Ocean

Scaling and Maintaining a Decentralized Cryptocurrency Trading Platform 

Challenge: MakerDAO operated a cryptocurrency exchange, OasisDex, but found it challenging to scale and maintain. MakerDAO wanted to rewrite the platform using a modern technology stack and wanted help maintaining it.

Our Work: Our team helped develop Oasis, Oasis Direct, and Eth2Dai components which are responsible for exchanging DAI, ETH, and MKR assets. That exchange is powered by an on-chain order book.

The frontend components are true-dapps; they only show the state of the blockchain and do not rely on any centralized backend components. This feature makes Oasis markets unique in the cryptocurrency space.

Tech Used: React, Redux, Ethereum Blockchain, Cypress 

The Ocean

Creating a Responsive Reservation Site End-to-End 

Problem: Wag needed to build an entirely new responsive website, reservation system, custom CMS for managing reservations, website content, and business reporting. 

Our Work: Our team used React and Material UI to build the responsive front end. The site is pre-rendered server-side and delivered through a CDN. We also created a modern backend API built using the Serverless framework and run by an API Gateway service. 

A noteworthy detail: to create strong SEO results our team employed a layer of server-side pre-rendering; a custom script written in Node.js, executed on the ECS Fargate cluster. It cycles through the known URLs and generates an index.html file with the HTML markup and the link to the code bundle of the React app. The SEO crawler is served a readymade HTML markup for analyzing and indexing. 

Tech Used: React / Material UI / Redux / Serverless / AWS / PostgreSQL / react-admin / Facebook API / Google Maps 

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